Product Theater Important Dates & Deadlines
June 5
- Presentation listing form can be submitted to Eva Fujino
- All product theater presentations will be listed on the conference website, on a product theater page. Listing on the conference website includes date/time, the title, company name and a link to your event site.
- The listing is public facing. It is not a private webpage.
June 26
- Presentation listing form is due in order to be included in the listing posted on July 21st.
- The product theater listing will be made available on the website on July 21st.
- Edits to the listing information can be made after this date. If updates are required, please contact Eva Fujino
September 12
- AAP will be sending an email to all registered attendees to highlight the exhibit, product theater and symposia programs. Be sure to have your listing ready!
September 23
- Presentation slides are due to AAP for AV testing. *Note: Any recordings are the presenting companies responsibility.
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