Product Theater Marketing Information
Participate in the AAP Scavenger Hunt!
As part of the product theater package, you will receive access to participate in the AAP Scavenger Hunt. The scavenger hunt is a great way to drive traffic to your booth! Attendees will familiarize themselves with your product or service so they can answer your question. Once attendees answer the question correctly, they will scan the QR code located in your booth to unlock points and move up on the leader board. Please send Jamie Glomp any questions:
The scavenger hunt will be added automatically to your exhibit booth admin task list. The access to the admin task list for the exhibit booth listing will be sent to the key contact for the exhibit booth in June. The key contact will be able to submit a question for the scavenger hunt to interact with attendees. There can only be 1 scavenger hunt question per exhibit booth. You can ask a question that would help promote your product theater. If you do not choose to participate in the scavenger hunt you simply would not complete the task.
Reach new heights through strategic brand-building before, during and after the conference. Review Advertising Media Kit.
Both print and digital advertising options are available to help you extend your reach to highly engaged and focused pediatric professionals.
Presentation Agenda Listing
All product theater presentations will be listed on the conference website, on a product theater page. Listing on the conference website includes date/time, the title, company name and a link to your event site. Be sure to have listing ready when the website is live and a promotion email is sent! (deadlines & dates)
*Note: The listing is public facing. It is not a private webpage.
Unique Booth ID for Promotion
Your exhibit booth listing contains a unique URL ID that can be promoted to your own social media database to promote the exhibit booth listing and highlight the product theater. The key contact for the exhibit booth will receive the admin access to complete the booth listing tasks in June. This contact will also have access to the unique URL ID.
Marketing Guidelines
All marketing & promotional pieces for the product theater(s) must include the following text:
The presentation for this Product Theater is not designated for CME credit. This presentation is neither sponsored nor endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
All marketing materials must be submitted to the AAP for review and approval (advertising materials should be routed through the advertising agency, WTG). The materials must clearly show that the product theater is hosted by the company and not the AAP – this determination is up to the discretion of the AAP. All marketing pieces, including onsite posters are the responsibility of the presenting company to produce.
A listing of the presentation will be available on a monitor outside the theater directly before the assigned presentation. Presenting companies may promote from their exhibit booth. Directional signs are not permitted.
Additional information on guidelines can be found the AAP Product Theater Guideline page.