AAP Ancillary Event Rules & Regulations

American Academy of Pediatrics requires that all activities held in conjunction with the National Conference & Exhibition be reviewed and approved by our offices. These guidelines have been developed to ensure that companies and organizations do not schedule functions that conflict with the National Conference education and events. AAP reserves the right to deny meeting space to companies and organizations that violate Rules and Regulations.


  1. Only hospitals, universities, alumni groups, and 2024 National Conference exhibitors may request permission to hold ancillary events. Upon AAP approval, these groups may schedule an Ancillary Event according to the types and times shown in the chart below. Non-exhibiting companies may NOT use meeting space or any other venue if the company has products relevant to attendees.
    • Please note: If AAP receives notice that an exhibiting company is cancelling exhibit space, all ancillary event approvals will also be cancelled immediately. No exceptions will be granted.
  2. Companies and organizations may NOT contract meeting space directly with the official AAP National Conference & Exhibition hotels. All representatives and/or agents must adhere to the rules and regulations outlined. Any groups found contracting space directly with official AAP hotels without prior consent from AAP or violating AAP’s rules and regulations may jeopardize future exhibiting status and/or the ability to hold future functions in conjunction with the National Conference & Exhibition. Location changes to a previously approved event must be resubmitted to AAP for review and approval.
  3. Companies and organizations may NOT secure space for poster and/or educational presentations. Ancillary Events may NOT offer CME credit.
  4. Restricted times: Companies and organizations may NOT hold an Ancillary Event during the defined Restricted Times as outlined in the chart below unless the event is for internal stakeholders/staff only. Restricted times reflect hours during which AAP scheduled education and events will occur.
  5. Activities are restricted to the confines of the assigned hotel meeting rooms and may not be held in public areas, including but not limited to, hotel lobbies or hallways, and sidewalks adjacent to the hotel or convention center.
  6. Any and all charges for services levied by the hotel or AV company are the sole responsibility of the company or organization hosting the event. AAP has no responsibility or authority over any charges, including but not limited to room rental, food and beverage minimums, audio visual pricing, internet charges, electrical costs, etc.
  7. If a company or organization is interested in securing space for an event/function at any other venue that is not an official AAP National Conference & Exhibition hotel, the company or organization may contact the venue directly, after receiving approval from AAP on the event date, time, and content.
  8. Companies and organizations may provide one sign to be placed outside of the assigned event space. Signage may only be placed in the hotel 2 hours prior to event start time and be removed at the conclusion of the event. Signage outside the event space is limited to a 22” x 28” sign or pull up banner.
  9. Prior year approval for an Ancillary Event does not automatically guarantee approval for a similar application at the 2024 National Conference.
  10. Companies and organizations may NOT purchase advertising to promote ancillary events unless it is a hospital/university advertising a social/networking event. AAP cannot provide a conference attendee list.
  11. All event host organization representatives attending an approved ancillary event onsite must be registered for the National Conference and adhere to the AAP Meeting Code of Conduct.
  12. All matters and questions not covered by the above guidelines are subject to the discretion of the AAP.

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